Pipe Standards

4 Line Pipe Standard Similar to API 5L You Must Know
Everyone in steel pipe industry must know API 5L Specification, which is standard for steel pipe for pipeline transportation systems in petroleum and natural gas industries. There are some other similar line pipe standards you may not know. Here we list 4 line pipe standard similar to API 5L specification. check it all here now. read more →

Free Download ASTM A53 Standard : 18 Check Items
ASTM A53 Standard is the most common standard for carbon steel pipes, no matter for welded steel pipes or seamless carbon pipes and tubes, bare pipes and zinc coated pipes. It's widely applied in many industries, like water, common piling or construction applications. read more →
Steel Pipe Schedule Chart |Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe|ASME_B36.10M-2004
ASME B36.10M-2004 for Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe--Steel Pipe Schedule Chart. This Standard specify dimensions of welded and seamless steel pipe. read more →
API 5L SPEC for Line Pipe (7) – Information to be Supplied by the Steel Pipe Purchaser
Information to be Supplied by the Purchaser - API 5L SPEC LINE PIPE General information The purchase order shall include the following information: a) quantity (e.g. total mass or total length of pipe); eg. 20000 meter or 2000 metric ton etc. b) PSL (1 or 2); (there are API 5L PSL1 and API 5L PSL2, please refer to API 5L Product Specification Level) c) type of pipe (see Table 2, there are API 5L welded steel pipe and API 5L seamless steel pipe); d) reference to ISO 3183 (this is one almost equal specification to API 5L SPEC); read more →
API 5L SPEC for Line Pipe (6) – Delivery condition
API 5L SPEC Delivery condition. For each order item, the delivery condition for PSL 1 pipes shall be at the option of the manufacturer unless a specific delivery condition is specified in the purchase order. Delivery conditions shall be as given in API 5L 44th Tables 1 and 3. read more →
API 5L SPEC for Line Pipe(5) – Pipe Grade and Steel Grade
The pipe grade for PSL 1 pipe is identical to the steel grade (designated by a steel name) and shall be as given in Table 1. It consists of an alpha or alphanumeric designation that identifies the strength level of the pipe and is linked to the chemical composition of the steel grade. read more →
API 5L SPEC for Line Pipe(4) – Symbols and API 5L Abbreviated terms – 2
The above is API 5L Abbreviated terms in API 5L SPEC. We hope you have all understanding of those Abbreviated terms. If you have any comments and enquiry about the API 5L standard or API 5L ERW steel pipes, please contact us - HYSP. read more →
API 5L SPEC for Line Pipe(4) – API 5L Symbols and Abbreviated terms – 1
HYSP is pleased to have your enquiries about the API 5L SPEC or API 5L ERW steel pipes. We are professional ERW carbon welded steel pipe manufacturer in the northern of China. Our erw steel tube can meet all TPI inspection. Welcome to contact us for any request of ERW pipes. read more →
API 5L Specification Line Pipe (3) – Normative References – part 2
In previous post, HYSP shares the normative references part 1 of API 5L, this post we share the part 2 of normative references in API 5L Specification. We need to know more about the API 5L standard. With more details, we can know clearly what our client really needs. read more →